Free Lily

Oil on canvas, 48"x72", 2023

Free Lily is available for purchase!*

Free Lily embodies the spiritual bride of Christ– the universal church (Ephesians 5:32). “On that day,” declares the LORD, ‘you will call me ‘my husband'’” (Hosea 2:16). Depicted as a woman adorned with a floral crown and dressed in white, her crown brims with lilies, as the word 'lily’ means ‘pure’. Just as Jesus wore her crown of shame as a crown of thorns, she can now wear Christ’s crown of purity as a crown of lilies.

Now that she is walking with him, the vines have matured and blossomed, first around her ring fingers, as an everlasting seal, and then intertwining, as they grow upward, eventually becoming one with her.

As 1 Corinthians 6:17 says, “the person who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with him.” No matter where she goes, He is always there beside her, leading her, guiding her through the highs and lows of life (Psalm 139:8).

Because Jesus has washed her clean and robed her in white, she is able to stand fearlessly before God, face to face (Hebrews 4:16). As Jesus holds her hands, Lilies of the Valley sprout from His nail- pierced holes, reminding us of His sacrifice for her. From His blood grow vines of purity, covering her even in her darkest walks of life (Psalm 23:1b).

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