I am Your Garden

Oil on canvas, 36”x84”, 2023

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I Am Your Garden symbolizes life in the Spirit—a life defined by worship. As believer’s dwell in the Spirit of God, portrayed as a dove, good works naturally emanate as a result of salvation. The depiction of a believer adoring God, signifies a life of worship, extending beyond songs or church activities to encompass all aspects of their existence. By maintaining a heart posture of worship, the Fruits of the Spirit need not be mustered up or forced. Similar to a seed planted in good soil (illustrated at the bottom of her dress), living under the Son's face (shining above the worshiper), and nourished by a continual stream of the living water of the Word of God (flowing through the background), the fruits of the Spirit organically grow, manifesting as good works.

These vines bear the characteristics of a grapevine and the leaves of an olive shoot— the grapevine representing the cleansing blood of Jesus symbolized as wine, and the olive shoot signifying both the peace of salvation and the anointing oil of the Holy Spirit. This worshiper is focused on the light of the dove,The Holy Spirit, which is reflected onto the cross she wears as her banner (Exodus 17:15), revealing to her and those around, the person of Jesus. She is crowned by Jesus with Laurel as He bore her crown of shame as thorns. Every fruit and leaf points to the dove, illustrating that everything in creation reveals God. Moreover, every good work reflects the character of Jesus which is inherently magnetic to mankind as He is etched on our hearts. Just as God fashioned the earth as a fruitful garden for us to dwell in, we too are crafted to be a garden yielding good fruit—a dwelling place for God. As Jesus reminds us in John 15:5, "I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me, you can do nothing."

"The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control" (Galatians 5:22-23). These nine fruits flow from the believer as a product of worship.

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